89. I Do, I Have, I Am Enough

It is time to drop into a feeling of gratitude today as you put on these powerful words–I Do, I Have, I Am Enough!

In this episode I will share with you how to put these words on and why they matter to me! You have the power to put these words on too if you choose.

What words will you choose to put on today? You get to decide.

My gift to you is to put on words that allow you to feel the gratitude and joy of living!

You can change your story by beginning to change one word at a time. To discover three simple words you can practice putting on right now. I invite you to download my free ebook The One Word Way You will continue to get simple ideas and solutions that will allow you to practice putting on words that matter!

You Are Enough!



XO Becky

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Create the life you desire - one word at a time

Introducing: The One Word Way

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My Book, "The Word Effect" is now available for purchase!

Create the life you desire - one word at a time

Introducing: The One Word Way

A beautiful, free ebook you can read over lunch

I’ll send you the One Word Way and follow-up by teaching you positive and proactive solutions to create the life you secretly desire without using willpower.