Have you ever heard yourself saying, “This is not the gift I wanted…?” Why is this? Because we often have an expectation and think things should go a certain way and when it doesn’t, we resist how it has gone and get frustrated. What if I told you that the gifts we get—or the way life unfolds is exactly how it is supposed to unfold–we just didn’t know it until it happens. I share a few gifts I have received in 2020 that I didn’t think I wanted but have come to discover that they were exactly what was going to happen and looking back I can see the reasons why. You can ask HOW—with an empowering question to discover how to keep moving forward when circumstances in life don’t go as we planned.. There are so many things we can’t change in this world—most gifts given or circumstances of life are things we have no control of. We do have control of what words we put on. The thoughts we choose to put on each day matter and it is our time to become more aware of this. This is what The Word Effect is all about! The effect or results we get from the words we put on. Words Matter. You can create the life you want with the power of words. It is time to ditch will power and discover how to put on word power!