Today what words will. you choose to put on? You have the choice and I invite you to choose happy. You are Made For JOY!
These are a few phrases and words that have shown up in my life to remind me the choice is always mine on how I feel. I want to share them with you. Practice putting these simple reminders in your own life and begin to discover THE WORD EFFECT for our most beautiful life today.
Some power word phrases that matter to me today are:
“I am concentrating on the present and avoiding worries about the future”
“Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away todays peace.”
“You can’t change how people feel about you so don’t try. Just live your life and be happy.”
Words will serve as your compass. They can be positive or negative, you choose the ones you put on and for how long. Become intentional to the words you put on and see what starts to happen!
If you are ready to discover more about the power of words and how to create your most beautiful life with the healing and creative power found in them—you are invited to join me at the Gathering Retreat.