Are you someone who gets caught in overthinking? One quick way to get out of overthinking is to begin to make decisions quickly and to take action. When you choose the thoughts you put on, it allow you to experience more freedom and to create the life you want. Each time you make a decision it moves you forward because you can always make a different decision tomorrow. You are free to choose.
This week I invite you to look for and put on some intentional words that matter to you! Look for them and then give yourself a simple reminder to put them in your life daily.
Each month in the “Made For Joy” membership you will get a phrase to practice putting on and together we will work toward creating our most beautiful lives.
“Decisions are the ultimate power we have in our lives.” –Brooke Castillo. What decision are you waiting to make? Today is the day to choose and make that one decision you have been overthinking.
Today let’s start choosing to put on words that matter to us. Practice looking for those words that will allow you to create your most beautiful life. You are free to choose!