70: 70. Be Good At You

I love these simple words, Be Good At You! It can be challenging living in a world that is always using comparison to decide things. Why is this? Our brains tend to focus on comparison to determine what is better than the other. How about we just practice being good at being ourselves. When we compare ourselves to others, like the saying says “compare leads to despair.” We are the ones who suffer.

You to begin to discover who you are and just begin to practice being good at you! This is a practice I work on daily—as I discover who and what I am about. This has allowed me to continue to create the life I have always desired! You can too.

One of my favorite songs is “Better When I’m Dancing” by Meghan Trainor. These are borrowed lyrics that help me redirect to look at my good! These lyrics remind me to keep doing my own dance through life! I invite you to put these words in your life as you continue to Be Good At You!

Better When I’m Dancing Song/Video

XO Becky

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