What do you want to begin? Who do you want to become? You have the power within you to decide! Decisions are the ultimate power we have in our lives. So why do we often wait to make decision? What holds us back from deciding? We spend a lot of time thinking about what we want to do but never take action. Words Matter—and you can ditch will power and discover how to put on word power to create the life you have always wanted…and it just starts with making a simple decision to try! The Word Effect is the result we get within our lives when we decide what words we put on each day. Start by making decisions—and make lots of decisions. The more decisions we make the better we become at making them. We will make mistakes along the way—that is OK! That is how we learn. Mark Twain said, “Good decisions come from experience. “Experience comes from making bad decisions.” The way we learn and discover who we are meant to be is by trying, by making a plan and deciding to step forward one day at a time. We can always change our decision or decide something new. If you are ready to make that decision to move forward with your story, to decide to do that thing you have been thinking about but keep waiting on–stop waiting. It’s time to begin to live the life you have always wanted to live and I can help you do. As a life coach I will remind you that the power to decide is within each of you and show you how to move your story forward with the power of words. Go to becomingwithbecky.com for a free mini session to discover that decision you are ready to make and how you can put on thoughts to make it happen. Words Matter. Create the life you want with the power of words! Decisions determine destiny! Let’s go decide.