65: 65. I Would Love…

Have you ever asked yourself this question…”what would I love in my life?” Most often we ask it yet do we answer it?

In this episode, I invite you to try a simple exercise to begin to express what you would love and take the time to listen to your heart as it tells you. I will share what I have discovered that I would love..and how I remember to keep my focus on those words!

Words matter and what we think about we bring about so it is time to become intentional to discovering and knowing the things we would love in our life.

When we live each day with intention with our words–we begin to create our most beautiful life.

One thing I would love to offer the world is a Living Certain Connection Circle– for ambitious God-centered women who know their is something more for them to put into the world and are looking for that tribe of women to connect with as they step forward!

This has been on my list of things I would love to offer the world and guess what! It is ready to share with you now. Please check out my Living Certain Connection Group. It starts March 16! If you are ready to take your secret desire and create it—this group is for you!

XO Becky

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Create the life you desire - one word at a time

Introducing: The One Word Way

A beautiful, free ebook you can read over lunch

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