62: 62. Train Your Brain

How often do you think about the power found in you own brain? Did you know you have the ability to train it? If we train for a race, we put in practice time to get ready for it, if we train a dog to fetch—again it takes practice. So why are many of us not taking the time to train our own brain to focus on the good?

In this episode we will be talking about How to redirect your brain—each and every day.

We will talk more about How Vs. Why–

Instead of asking why is this so difficult? Consider asking how can I make this easier.

I ask myself this question all of the time as I am finishing up writing my first book to self publish.

When I ask, “why is this so difficult to write and publish a book?” My brain goes to work to show me why it is so hard and those thoughts alway make me feel fearful and insecure.

When I change one word and begin to ask “How can I make writing the book easier”–I have redirected my brain to focus on the good! How can I make writing the book easier? Um…did I just say I am finishing writing a book! This is a desire I have had on my heart since I was 6 years old…and today at 46 years old—I am almost done! How exciting is that. Just changing the one word to How—lets my brain redirect and focus on the good instead of the negative and as I train my brain to focus on the good. As I focus on the good, I will start to see more and more good in my life.

I invite you to be brave and begin to work on training your brain to live the life you desire!

The borrowed lyrics I share today are from the song “Brave” by Sara Bareilles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUQsqBqxoR4

I have included a link to her official video. Check them out here–see how you feel after listening!

Words have power and I want to show you how to create your most beautiful life.

As you begin to see the power of words—I want to share with you the three of the most toxic and limiting words that are in our everyday vocabulary. Go to www.becomingwithbecky.com/join to download the One Word Way—and I share three words to consider changing which will allow you to create your most beautiful life.

I promise! It is worth it–and it is the simple approach to how to train your brain for the good!

XO Becky

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Create the life you desire - one word at a time

Introducing: The One Word Way

A beautiful, free ebook you can read over lunch

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