Did you know–you have the ability and choice to make each day amazing? I spent so much time waiting for my circumstances around me to change to make me feel better…and I spent a lot of time waiting. Today—I decide how to make each day amazing with what I have in front of me. I practice living in today with the 4 Cs I will share from Dan Sullivan.
Recently I listened to Clint Pulver www.clintpulver.com speak who I recommend this simple idea. He said, “Stop looking at issues and start to look for possibility.”
If I allow myself to focus on the issues in a given day—this is all I see. When I take a breath and decide what words to put on–I allow myself to start to look at the possibilities and you know what! There are so many—if I just look.
As Zig Ziglar said, “if you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” We must focus our thoughts on the good and put on thoughts that serve us. Today– let’s decide to MAKE TODAY AMAZING!