34: 34. Be Good At You

Be Good At You! We all have a story to share—why? Because we are each a divine creation of God and our unique ability of being here on earth is worth sharing despite the circumstances we live in.

As we progress forward in our lives—many of us have become stuck in the negative thoughts we put on. Thoughts that we put on over and over again begin to become beliefs and we stop questioning. If the thoughts are negative, our brain looks for evidence to prove them true. If we begin to look for the negative, that is all we will see, negative. The power found in the Word Effect can be positive or negative. You get to choose! The words we put on either move us forward or backwards in our story–it all has to do with the choices we make as individuals.

Today, let’s choose to make progress forward. Be Good At You!!

Isn’t that great! To know that we have the power to change our story to make it one of becoming the person we have always secretly desired by discovering how to put on thoughts that will better serve us.

Mandy Hale, said words I just love, ”just be yourself, let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are.” How do we let people see this? It has to do with the thoughts we put on—as we embrace who we are today.

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I will be happy when…I get there.” Where is there? What if I told you can be happy here right now as you live your life today. We don’t need to wait anymore. We can discover our story and what our desires are and begin to embrace them now!

It is our time! As David Foster Wallace said, “I’d like to be the sort of person who can enjoy things at the time instead of having to go back in my head and enjoy them.” We can live a life of joy and enjoyment now!

As a life coach, I offer 3 or 6 month Joyful Living 1.1 coaching sessions where I show you how you too can create the life you always desired. It takes progress and work but it is a power that each one of us already has within us. We don’t have to wait to live a life of joy for when we get there…we can begin to live it today! To schedule a free call to discover your secret desire, go to becomingwithbecky.com/freecall to get you out of overwhelm & hustle of willpower and have you embrace who you are today!

What is your story? What is your desire? If you are not trying new things, honoring commitments to yourself , or being willing to fail forward, you are waiting to live your desired life!

Time will go by, As I look back on my life and the changes that have happened since 1975 when I was born—I realize time is one thing we all have in common. What we choose to do with our time and how we spend our lives has to do with the choices we make. Check out www.familysearch.org to find out more about who you are too!

“Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated and passionate about what they do.” said Nelson Mandela. I love this–Everyone can! It isn’t for a certain group of people—it includes you and me and everyone!

That is how powerful words can be. The words we put on matter. Let me show you how to create the life you have always desired, let’s Be Good at You, today!

XO Becky

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Create the life you desire - one word at a time

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