How do you want to feel today? Today, we discuss how to put on LOVE! Did you know that you have the power to decide how you feel based on the thoughts you choose to put on? As humans we all have a desire to love and be loved.
Each morning you decide what to put on physically, you begin to make little and small choices. You might think about different circumstances that start to determine what you put on, such as the weather, what activity you are going to be doing for the day, and even how you feel as you decide. For me, every Thursday morning I attend an adult women’s clogging class. I wake up and dress accordingly. I wear exercise clothes, tennis shoes, and have a small bag that I take my clogging shoes in to change into once I get to the studio. I think about what I am putting on because I know it is much easier clogging in clothes that allow me to move. I would never choose to show up to clogging in jeans and snow-boots. I am intentional on what I put on.
We often spend more time thinking of what to wear physically than what to put on internally! This podcast is to remind you how important it is to think about the thoughts you choose to put on each day. It is time to become aware of our thoughts and become more intentional on how we want to feel. Ask yourself, How do I want to feel? If you are wanting to feel more love in your life, I share three powerful thoughts that you can practice putting on. I also will be sharing how powerful it is to practice as we step forward making progress in our lives. Words Matter! You can create the life you have always wanted with the power of words. What words will you put on today?